Crossdressing Makeup Tips – Video
I had completely forgotten that when YouTube shut down my channel, that no one would be able to watch my TGirl Makeup Instructional Video that I posted on here. Thanks to a comment from Becki who wanted to watch the video, I now have it re-posted directly on TheCrossdresser.org. You won’t be able to stream it any more, but you can download it and view it from your computer at your convenience
7min 20sec runtime, 36MB download
This popular xdressing video details everything you need to know to achieve a beautiful and passable look with your makeup. Of course there are many different styles of makeup, so don’t be afraid to experiment! This video just covers the basics to get you started
Tags: makeup, shaving, video —

How to Tuck – Instructional Video
I’ve gotten tons of questions lately on my original Eliminating Panty Bulge post asking for more information about tucking. It seems there are a lot of fellow crossdressers who wanted a diagram or video to see exactly how it works. So here it is, the official tucking instructional video You may have to download this one (right click, save target as) to watch it – unfortunately my YouTube account was shut down for reasons that still aren’t clear to me, so no more streaming video.
I go in to lots of detail about how to find the hole that will allow your testes to reascend up in to your abdominal cavity, so this video is a wee bit graphic. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Anyway, I hope this is helpful and answers everyone’s questions about how to tuck to eliminate panty bulge
3min 58sec run time
45MB download
Tags: panty bulge, testes, tucking, video —

Tgirl Makeup Instructional Video
Edit 4/28/12: YouTube shut down my channel But the good news is that I just reposted the video today – check out my updated post.
Just uploaded, check out my new YouTube video: Makeup for Crossdressers. This instructional video goes through the how-to steps of tgirl makeup from shaving through finishing touches in high def detail. I know I’ve posted before on individual makeup tips, but I thought this video might be really helpful for any visual learners out there
If nothing else, it’s worth taking a look at the before and after photo below to see what a difference some well-applied makeup can make. And let me tell you, I’m not a professional makeup artist, this is stuff that anyone can do at home!
Tags: before and after, eyeshadow, how-to, lipstick, makeup, video —